Her CD also includes my newest composition specially composed for her and its also called THE CHILDREN of the TRIBES. It is the same name as my soon to be published children's book.
What an amazing aligning of the stars that this CD and my publication is coming about at the same time. To get both of them you can go to my gofundme project as one of the prebook options at: https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-publish-a-book-for-parents-and-children
It is also possible to hear the piece at : https://open.spotify.com/track/61Eg8IU4BQjOM6tgly3Huc?si=pf8oLIUoTd6EBYlh6tFTQA&context=spotify%3Atrack%3A61Eg8IU4BQjOM6tgly3Huc&nd=1
